The Aix Group is an independent NGO registered in France dedicated to publishing and disseminating position papers identifying economic scenarios to promote sustainable and mutually beneficial relations between Israel and Palestine.
The Aix Group is an independent Palestinian-Israeli-International Think Tank focused on analyzing, writing and disseminating position papers on economic issues related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Group works since 2003 on permanent status topics as well as on transitional aspects of the conflict. The purpose is to promote sustainable and mutually beneficial relations between Israelis and Palestinians. The Group is registered as an NGO in France, Institut pour la Cooperation en Mediterranee – Groupe d’Aix, which works in partnership with DATA Studies and Consultations (Bethlehem) and the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace (Jerusalem). The overall work of Aix Group is directed by its Steering Committee.
The Aix Group has followed the peace process closely over many years and is able to provide decision makers with comprehensive economic studies that cover the economic dimensions related to the crucial political discussions. Aix Group’s research is conducted by Israeli, Palestinian, and international economic experts; academics, former policy makers, members of private and public economic organizations, who are working as one team, taking into account all perspectives, in order to ensure balanced and realistic analysis. The Group’s findings have provided decision makers with a solid basis on which to assess alternatives regarding final status issues as well as interim ones.
The Group’s work has gained international recognition over the years and mentioned by the World Bank, in the Economist, The Atlantic, Bloomberg Businessweek, Haaretz among other outlets. The Aix Group was founded in Aix-en-Provence, the southern French city during a conference in 2002, where it still maintains its headquarters.